Hello, my name is Aaron Petcoff
i live in upstate, new york with my wife, daughter, and three cats. i'm originally from Detroit. i work as a software engineer at Frame.io, an Adobe company.
i enjoy astronomy, hockey, writing, and history. the two most influential books i've ever read are Capital, Vol. 1 and Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
here are some of the things i've built for the web in my spare time
- react wasm demo – a very simple app to demo WebAssembly inside a React app (source)
- blacknoise 💀 – an offline-first web app that plays awful noises (source)
- head -n 3340 – a generative text art project (source) (exerpt published by gauss pdf)
- damn. – an app for mimicking the cover of the kendrick lamar record (source)
- property praxis – an interactive map documenting property speculation in detroit (source)
- bodega cats of nyc (w.i.p.) – an interface for collaboratively mapping the feline guardians of new york's most beloved & bathroomless institution
you can find out more about me from my github and my resume.
someday I will add something to my blog.
you can contact me thru electronic mail at xfilesfan69 [at] aol [dot] com